Why milk?

the daiRy industRy iS deStRoying ouR planet.

The top five meat AND DAIRY companies produce more greenhouse gas emissions annually than major oil companies. Dairy also contributes to soil degradation, deforestation, water waste, and pollution on staggering scales.

want to live on a hospitable planet? ditch daiRy.

  • Environmental Impacts of Dairy

    Sentient Media | The dairy industry is more destructive than people think.

  • The Paris Agreement Will Fail Without addressing dairy

    Inside Climate News | If humanity continues producing and consuming food as it does today, those food systems alone will drive Earth’s average temperature up by nearly 1 degree Celsius by the end of the century, scientists warned in a new study.

  • Diet Change For Climate Change – Our Planetary Responsibility

    Switch 4 Good | Dairy production pollutes waterways, adds to greenhouse gas emissions, and destroys local ecosystems. Find out how changing your diet impacts climate change.

keep leaRning. follow uS on inStagRam.